Thor: Love and Thunder is the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thor is back, but this time he’s a woman! The God of Thunder finds himself living as Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), an astrophysicist who was also once Thor. He has to move past his anger issues while trying to protect Earth from aliens and other threats.
Thor is a Marvel Comics superhero who first appeared in 1962. He is the Asgardian God of Thunder and the son of Odin and Frigga. Thor’s hammer Mjolnir is considered one of the most powerful weapons in existence.
Jane Foster is a scientist and superhero. She’s also the new Thor, as she is replacing her brother on Earth with another female hero (more on that later). Jane isn’t your typical superhero; she has no superpowers and isn’t a member of any team or organization. Instead, she’s an independent agent who fights crime alongside her best friend Darcy Lewis—also known as Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer).
Jane is not only one of the few female heroes in comics but also one of the most popular ones because she’s so relatable: like most people who discover they have cancer at some point in their lives or have experienced sexual assault at some point in life, Jane has faced adversity before taking control over her own life again after being diagnosed with terminal cancer!
Gorr is one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe. He’s a fire giant and he wants to kill all gods so that he can use their power. He has several different forms, including a centaur, but his main form is that of an enormous humanoid with red skin and horns on his head.
Gorr’s first appearance was in Thor #214 when he attacked Asgard during its annual celebration called Midgard Day (which was based on Earth). In this issue, he also fought Thor himself!
Loki is the son of Odin and Frigga. He is also Thor’s adopted brother, so you may be wondering what kind of relationship they have. To put it simply: Loki is a pain in the ass.
Loki has been known to cause trouble wherever he goes, but he did promise his father that he would always help him out when needed—which happened often during their childhood years before they were separated from each other again when Odin left Asgard with all its treasures for good reason (you can read more about this here). This led to an ongoing rivalry between them since then; even though we know that Loki loves his brother deeply, there are times when he does not feel like helping at all because said the reason was actually that his father abandoned him due to anger over another matter that had nothing whatsoever to do with them (read more about this here).
Mjolnir is a hammer. It can be used as a weapon, but it’s more than that. It’s a tool and symbol of power to both Thor and Jane Foster. For Thor, it represents his ability to wield his own strength in battle; for Jane Foster, it represents her ability to defeat her enemies with Mjolnir at her side (and because we all know that every woman needs an ice hammer).
For Asgardians everywhere—including Hela herself—Mjolnir has long been considered an important part of the universe: an artifact built by the original gods who created everything else we see today and passed down through generations since then.
We have listed some of the facts about Thor: Love and Thunder. The movie is an action film that will be released on November 3, 2019, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The cast includes Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster (Goddess of Thunder), Tom Hiddleston as Loki Laufeysson, Anthony Hopkins as Odin Jotunheimr, and Idris Elba as Heimdall.